Pool Liner Comparison: What’s the Difference in Overlap, Beaded and Unibead Pool Liners?

Pool Liner Comparison: What’s the Difference in Overlap, Beaded and Unibead Pool Liners?

Once you’ve made the decision on which above ground pool is right for your family, you’ll need to make the decision on what type of pool liner you will want to install. There are 3 main types of vinyl liners for above ground pools: overlap, beaded, and unibead. The purpose of the liners is to retain pool water, create a protective barrier for the structure of the pool, and assist in maintaining structural integrity. The main difference between the liners is how they are installed and attached to the pool wall. Pool liners also provide an important aspect of the overall design of your pool, so homeowners must choose the right liner print to match their desired design aesthetic. 


Overlap pool liners are a very economical option and are easy to install making it the perfect choice for a DIY project. It is important to have the overlap liners match the exact width and length of your above ground pool in order to have a proper fit, however, matching the exact height is not necessary because the excess can overlap the pool wall when it is installed. Overlap pool liners are attached to the pool wall with coping strips that hold the liner in place. A coping strip is a piece of plastic that acts like a paper clip that runs along the top of the pool wall. Since it overlaps the swimming pool wall from the inside, the coping strip ensures that the liner is firmly in place. Because overlapping may cause unevenness when installing, overlap liner designs are typically limited to a solid color or a uniform pattern.


Beaded pool liners are the easiest to replace and many pool owners opt to use these pool liners to make the next liner change easier. Beaded liners attach to a special tracking called a “bead receiver”. A bead receiver hangs over the top of the pool wall and the beaded liner simply snaps into the receiver giving it an even and consistent look. With bead receiver, the pool liner can be removed and reinstalled without having to remove the top ledges which is important when you have decking above the pool’s top ledge or want to remove and replace the liner without disassembling the pool itself. Because beaded pool liners install evenly around the pool wall, they come in beautiful designs and patterns including wall borders and tile trims.


Unibead pool liners are your most versatile option and have a 2-in-1 feature that allows you to install a liner as a beaded liner, or as a j-hook liner. Unibead liners have the option to be used with a bead receiver or with a j-hook liner. A j-hook liner hangs directly on the pool wall because it has a special attachment on the top, kind of like built-in coping strips. Unibead pool liners must match the exact length, width, and height of your above ground pool, making j-hook liners even easier to install than an overlap liner. And because they match the exact length, width, and height, many attractive printed design options with straight borders at the waterline are available for a professional appearance.

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